Baby Food Menu

187 products

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    187 products
    Stage 1 Sweet Potato, Broccoli & Carrots 120g
    Stage 1 Sweet Potato Broccoli & Carrots 120g (Sold in multiple of 7)
    Ellas Kitchen
    £2.00 each
    Smoothie Fruit - The Green One 90g
    Smoothie Fruit - The Green One 90g (Sold in multiple of 12)
    Ellas Kitchen
    £1.44 each
    Smoothie Fruit - The Purple One 90g
    Smoothie Fruit - The Purple One 90g (Sold in multiple of 12)
    Ellas Kitchen
    £1.44 each
    Smoothie Fruit - The Yellow One 90g
    Smoothie Fruit - The Yellow One 90g (Sold in multiple of 12)
    Ellas Kitchen
    £1.44 each
    Smoothie Fruit - The Red One 90g
    Smoothie Fruit - The Red One 90g (Sold in multiple of 12)
    Ellas Kitchen
    £1.44 each
    Stage 3 Tomato-y-Pasta 190g
    Stage 3 Tomato-y-Pasta 190g (Sold in multiple of 7)
    Ellas Kitchen
    £3.01 each
    Stage 3 Salmon Risotto 190g
    Stage 3 Salmon Risotto 190g (Sold in multiple of 7)
    Ellas Kitchen
    £3.01 each
    Baby Brekkie - Mango 100g
    Baby Brekkie - Mango 100g (Sold in multiple of 6)
    Ellas Kitchen
    £2.12 each
    Baby Brekkie - Banana 100g
    Baby Brekkie - Banana 100g (Sold in multiple of 6)
    Ellas Kitchen
    £2.12 each
    Stage 1 Butternut Squash, Carrots, Apples & Prunes 120g
    Stage 1 Butternut Squash Carrots Apples & Prunes 120g (Sold in multiple of 7)
    Ellas Kitchen
    £2.00 each
    Stage 1 Peaches & Bananas 120g
    Stage 1 Peaches & Bananas 120g (Sold in multiple of 7)
    Ellas Kitchen
    £2.00 each
    Stage 1 Strawberries & Apples 120g
    Stage 1 Strawberries & Apples 120g (Sold in multiple of 7)
    Ellas Kitchen
    £2.00 each
    Stage 1 Apples & Bananas 120g
    Stage 1 Apples & Bananas 120g (Sold in multiple of 7)
    Ellas Kitchen
    £2.00 each
    Stage 1 Sweet Potato, Pumpkin & Blueberries 120g
    Stage 1 Sweet Potato Pumpkin & Blueberries 120g (Sold in multiple of 7)
    Ellas Kitchen
    £2.00 each
    Stage 1 Broccoli, Pears & Peas 120g
    Stage 1 Broccoli Pears & Peas 120g (Sold in multiple of 7)
    Ellas Kitchen
    £2.00 each
    Stage 1 Carrots, Apples & Parsnips 120g
    Stage 1 Carrots Apples & Parsnips 120g (Sold in multiple of 7)
    Ellas Kitchen
    £2.00 each
    Smoothie Fruit - The Green One Multipack 5 x 90g
    Smoothie Fruit - The Green One Multipack 5 x 90g
    Ellas Kitchen
    Smoothie Fruit - The Purple One Multipack
    Smoothie Fruit - The Purple One Multipack
    Ellas Kitchen
    Smoothie Fruit - The Red One Multipack
    Smoothie Fruit - The Red One Multipack
    Ellas Kitchen
    Stage 1 Banana & Blueberry Baby Rice 120g
    Stage 1 Banana & Blueberry Baby Rice 120g (Sold in multiple of 7)
    Ellas Kitchen
    £2.00 each
    Stage 1 Mangoes Pears & Papayas 120g
    Stage 1 Mangoes Pears & Papayas 120g (Sold in multiple of 7)
    Ellas Kitchen
    £2.00 each
    Stage 2 Rice Pudding 80g
    Stage 2 Rice Pudding 80g (Sold in multiple of 6)
    Ellas Kitchen
    £2.12 each
    Organic Butternut Squash, Carrot & Broccoli 100g
    Organic Butternut Squash Carrot & Broccoli 100g (Sold in multiple of 8)
    £1.67 each
    Sold Out
    Organix Perfect Pumpkin Puree 2 x 100g
    Organix Perfect Pumpkin Puree 2 x 100g
    Sale price £2.46 Regular price £3.12 Save £0.66
    Sold Out
    Multigrain Organic Baby Porridge 7+mths 200g
    Multigrain Organic Baby Porridge 7+mths 200g
    Sold Out
    Banana Organic Baby Finger Food Rice Cakes 50g
    Sold Out
    Fruity Apple Organic Baby Porridge 120g
    Fruity Apple Organic Baby Porridge 120g
    Sale price £2.26 Regular price £3.46 Save £1.20
    Sold Out
    Apple & Raspb cereal bar multipk 6 x 30g
    Apple & Raspb cereal bar multipk 6 x 30g
    Sale price £2.58 Regular price £3.91 Save £1.33

    Welcome to Wholefoods Box, where we believe that every bite counts in your little one's journey to a lifetime of health and happiness. Our "Baby Food" is a testament to our commitment to providing the very best for your precious bundle of joy. With a delightful range of options, we offer the best baby food, toddler food, baby finger foods, and the convenience of baby food delivery.

    We understand that introducing your baby to solid foods is a momentous occasion, and we're here to make it both wholesome and exciting. Our selection includes a variety of nourishing and delicious options that cater to every stage of your baby's development.

    From the pure simplicity of organic fruit and vegetable purees to the introduction of baby finger foods that encourage independent eating, we prioritize quality and nutrition in every product. Each baby food item is crafted with care and love to ensure it meets the highest standards of taste and nutrition.

    Our commitment to your baby's well-being extends beyond just the products. We're proud to offer the convenience of baby food delivery, right to your doorstep, ensuring that you have more precious moments to spend with your little one.

    At Wholefoods Box, we believe in the transformative power of good food, even from the very beginning of life. Shop with us today and embark on a nourishing journey with your baby, where every bite is a step towards a bright and healthy future. Experience the joy of watching your baby grow and thrive with the best baby food, right here at Wholefoods Box.


    Introducing fruits to a baby's diet is an exciting milestone. It's generally safe to begin offering fruits to your baby around six months of age, as long as they show signs of readiness, such as the ability to sit up with support and a diminished tongue-thrust reflex. Always consult with your pediatrician before introducing solids. Start with single-ingredient purees or mashed fruits to monitor for any potential allergies or sensitivities. Begin with mild and easily digestible fruits like ripe bananas, cooked and mashed apples, or pears. Gradually introduce a variety of fruits, one at a time, waiting a few days before introducing a new one to watch for adverse reactions. Always ensure fruits are well-cooked, mashed to an appropriate texture, and free from any choking hazards to ensure your baby's safety and enjoyment.

    When introducing solids to a baby, it's best to start with fruits that are easy to digest and less likely to cause allergies. Some excellent options for a baby's first foods include ripe bananas, which are naturally soft and provide essential nutrients like potassium and vitamin C. Cooked and mashed apples or pears are also gentle on the stomach and offer vitamins and fiber. Avocado, though not a fruit in the traditional sense, is another fantastic choice due to its creamy texture and healthy fats. These fruits provide a gentle introduction to solid foods, helping your baby become accustomed to new textures and flavors gradually.

    When preparing fruits for a baby who's just starting to eat solids, it's essential to ensure the textures are appropriate for their age and developmental stage. Begin by washing the fruits thoroughly to remove any dirt or pesticides. For fruits like bananas, simply peel and mash them to a smooth consistency. For apples and pears, cook and mash them to a soft and easily digestible texture. Avocado can be mashed directly without cooking. Always remove any seeds, pits, or skins that may pose a choking hazard. Additionally, consider mixing fruits with breast milk or formula to achieve a thinner, more palatable consistency for your baby's initial experiences with solid foods. As your baby grows and develops, you can gradually adjust the texture and introduce a wider variety of fruits to their diet.

    While most fruits are safe for babies, some should be introduced with caution or avoided in the early stages. Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits can be acidic and may cause digestive discomfort or diaper rash in some infants. Additionally, small fruits like grapes or berries can pose a choking hazard, so they should be cut into small, manageable pieces. It's also recommended to avoid exotic fruits with strong flavors or potential allergens, such as kiwi or passion fruit, until your baby is older and has successfully tried a variety of milder fruits. Always consult with your pediatrician before introducing new foods to ensure they are appropriate for your baby's age and development.

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